Monday, December 12, 2011
riding and sliding
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Cruiser Finale'
Almost a year ago, I busted the bike down to the bare frame and sent it out to be stripped and then powder coated. New wheels with a 3 speed rear hub...a new springer fork and handlebars got bolted on after some sweet vynil graphics were expertly applied by my friend Cory up at his sign company in Slinger, WI. The bike looked very cool at this point, but the fork was so noodly that it was a bit scary to ride.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Here's something that isn't funny. Trail Advocacy Politics.
Shit is go'n down Muh-Fuggahz...
Butch is building some sick fucking trail out at Canopy....the Beer Run Trail is gnome-crazy.
So what are you doing that's cool?
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Help Trail Advocacy at Kettle!
Ladies and Gents,We're trying to get our Trail Advocacy Organization to adopt a set of bylaws that would accomplish 4 main goals.- Open and Fair Elections of an expanded Board of Directors- Term Limits for Board Positions- Financial Transparency and Regular Financial Reports- Establish our Organization as a Chapter of IMBA
Our organization is currently run as a closed system, with no process in place for any new Board Members to be added or for the replacement of current Board Members. Currently members of our organization have no information about the chapter finances. After several attempts to ascertain the cost of the new Muir Archway, I still cannot get our current Board to divulge the actual cost. We are currently a WORBA Chapter. WORBA has been dormant for nearly a decade. They have not had a President in office for the last 7 years. WORBA has no pulse. Our neighboring mountain bike trail advocacy organizations (CORP - Madison & Metro - Milwaukee) have chosen to become IMBA Chapters in response to the current WORBA situation.I ask that you consider the new bylaws and decide for yourselves, whether you support these policy changes. That's right....we're asking you to think for yourselves and choose between a closed board with financials that are a complete mystery VERSUS an openly elected board that will be required to provide its members with regular financial reports. In addition we would like you to decide whether it is in the best interests of our organization to remain a chapter of WORBA or become a Chapter of IMBA.How ever you decide, I would like you to send Paul Sandgren an email letting him know how much you appreciate the excellent mountain bike trails at Kettle Moraine and his steadfast support of the Mountain Bike Community. In addition I encourage you to share YOUR decision about what the future direction of our Trail Advocacy Organization should take. Paul's email is - you and Happy Trails!g
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Team SnowBike Enduro
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Farmboy @ GF-Uno |
Back for Next Year
- Gnome Bike Enduro - Stage Race - Parade
- Home Brew Contest
- Saturday Night Pot-Luck
- ? any other suggestions?
New for GF-9
- Mayor(s) of Family Gnome Camp - Lisa & Martini?
- Kids Bike Activities
- Women's Mountain Bike &Tea Society Ride/Clinic with Jaquie Phelan
- Classic Mountain Bike (Klunker) Sunday Morning Ride
- Adam Blake stepping into a Mayor's role next year!
- ? - Anything Else?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Beach Date
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Fat Tire Memorial Tour all up in da' LG
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Gravel is my middle name...
OCHO - a gnomese word for lunacy-fringe
Spinner & Puck |
Steve & Carl Trailbuilding on Corkscrew |
Cale and I headed up to Levis together and found a few folks had already started to build gnome-city. We camped behind the city hall -chalet and cracked open some coldies with Carl. The day was beautifully warm and sunny. A few folks from Madison came and started a suburb of Gnome City right out of the box. The only real thing on my agenda was at 4:00 pm to help do a little trail work on the last bit of Corkscrew, so I stayed hydrated and hung out. Steve Meurette, Carl, his swissy Fezzek and I headed out with tools and found just a few spots about midway down that needed some finish work. We worked for maybe an hour and as we hiked the length of the trail back towards Steve's truck, we commented on how the trail was primed for a fat-bike steam-rolling parade from gnomefezzetrs!
Blatz & Julio |
Thursday night, things got a little blurry, so I'll skip forward to Friday. Amigos started to roll in and build their gnomesteads from the great lupine field out to the raw pine frontier....Gnome City [GC] was steadily getting and erection. Julio, Blatz and I got out on the bikes. Another perfectly warm sunny day up on the front mound was just what we needed. ~The calm before the storm~
Levis Gold |
Julio and I headed out to Sand Creek Brewing to get set up for our first off-site registration event and pick up 2 half barrels to bring back to GC. By the time we left... the tap-room was full of amigos getting their fest started with a pint and a growler to go. We jetted back to GC, while the Ladies (Bethany, Sandy & Amy) stayed at the brewery to get peeps registered. I hear that the brewery was a rock'n party. Back at GC we turned the dial to ELEVEN and didn't look back. We tapped the kegs and derby'd around the blazing firepit. Multiple rounds ensued, with good music thumping away and Spinner taking multiple diggers riding the gnomungus pile of firewood. He put a nice crack in his frame in a spectacular endo that would have killed most earthlings....but this is Spinner, we're talking about.
Will ~ Derby |
Iowa City ~ in the gnome'n house! Adam and Aaron, accompanied by a band of crazies lit the fuse of a party that just raged! Words can't describe the chaotic just had to be there. Double A led a night ride out to Goat Dance and back down the Hermosa's while GC rocked. More pilgrims rolled into town and staked their claim to some real estate. Just when we thought we'd run out of beer, Collin from Lake Front Brewing showed up and quenched our rather large thirst....I crawled into our trailer around 2:40 am.....but the party went on....the NWA at 3:00 am was not appreciated universally by the good citizens of GC. (I told you to pack earplugs). It was a RAGE'r!
Saturday morning we surprised Julio and Bethany with new FatBikes from their spousal units. Julio received a Schlick Cycles Northpaw, all murder'd out - blackity blackness - a fat sexy ride....just how Julio likes it!
...and Bethany received a tiny hot salsa....I love to make my honey smile! This all happened as the traditional Saturday Morning Ladies ride assembled in front of City Hall. This will be the GF known for how the ladies just stole the show.....all Girl Power! and.....(wait 4 it) ..............Wild Cougar Formation [WCF]!!!
the Ladies |
After lunch Mayor Martini assembled everyone to get set for the start of the Dirt Cat. This year, I didn't get assigned to a check-point, so I headed out with a group of our closest GF couisins to check out some of Levis Trow's sweetest trail. We ran into Keiker and the Q7 pair of Aces and made a party of it. I got to put a few miles in on Julios new Schlick and man that bike is F'ing sweet! The group tried to ditch me, but I found them swilling beers (up top) at the entrance to SideWinder and after a beer (for courage) we rode SideWinder and then the Hermosa's and ended up at the Talent Show checkpoint, where there was no shortage of liquor. Whirlwind forward through dinner to the awards!
Lisa on Sidewinder |
At the awards people won stuff....and we raffled off some great prizes from Surly. Matt from the Twin Cities won the Pugsly frame and Fork. I can't wait to see how he builds it up! The baby pools were full of beer and the needle was still pegged. Stand by for the best Dwarfcycle Figure Eight Death Race since Cone-Man!
Sunday Services |
Sunday morning our little tribe whipped up a pot-luck breakfast that was just what we needed to soak up some booze and get us ready for a little mellow farewell ride. As these things usually go, we got to wait and chat as folks found their bikes and put on their sunday best. By the luck of the gnome, just as we were ready to begin, Steve Muerette rode up and guided us on a delightful tour de points. The perfect cap to a glorious weekend of FUNonBIKES!
A huge thanks go out to all of our guests...our generous sponsors....all of the good folks that build trail at Levis Co-Mayors (Bethany ~ Julio~ Martini) and of course - Gnomes everywhere!
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
A Gnomanifesto - or everything you gneed to gnow about the ocho, but were afraid to ask
- Booze with caffeine in it, stuff is illegal now so I hope you stocked up.
- A fat bike, everyones got one now. if you don't have one buy one (or win one at gnomefest!)
- a good costume (or no clothes) for the dwarfcycle death race.
- co-ordination for hmmerschlagen
- somewhere semi-comfortable to pass out.
- things to eat, or edibles as it were.
- Kindness, treat your fellow gnome festers well.
- stuff to do in the woods at night
- 9. a camera to record the parts of the fest that should be recorded
- 10. your memory to record the parts that should not be.
- 1. Headlamp so you don't step on gnomes while you're stumbling back to your tent drunk.
- The most obscure microbrew to impress all of your 2-wheel loving friends.
- Glowsticks!
- Full body armor for when the bike derby gets dirty.
- Some sort of heavenly goodness to share with your fellow Gnomefesters.
- Girls: a Go Girl or She Wee so we can show the boys we can do it better!
- Any type of "paraphanelia" that you feel is appropriate. If you're not sure, bring it anyway, we'll decide for you.
- Alleve or Advil. Lots of it.
- Your alter ego, so it can stretch its wings a little.
- Your original polaroid of the pyramid at gnomefest V to burn in the bonfire so it is lost for all eternity!
- extra liver. or three.
- an appetite for misery. - he means awesomeness - I think
- tubes. For what, that's up to you.
- lube. For what, that's up to you.
- hangover worthy breakfasts. Think bacon.
- ice.
- a ride home.
- an ability to clean up after yourself. We're not your mom's.
- a good attitude.
- a bike. preferably a fat one.
- 10 foot long outhouse ladle
- Tums
- a dog whistle to drive dogs nuts
- fibromyalgia medicine
- one of those things
- beekeeper helmet (for me)
- a catapult and sacks of flour for the battle
- sediments
- gasoline spritzer for the laugh gland
- a tuba
- 6 pack of microbrew for the beer pool
- Anti itch cream for that mysterious rash that you will undoubtedly develop
- Extra underwear
- Barbie Dolls (gnomes use them as sex toys)
- Lube (both kinds)
- Water
- spare liver
- a boomerang
- A mint condition first pressing of William Shatner's The Transformed Man
- A sense of humor
- Love of biking or people who bike
- Cold(er) weather gear...gets chilly at night
- Baby wipes - there are no showers at GF
- Camping gear - tent, kitchen stuff, sleeping bag (really stinks when you forget this), camp chair
- Beer - good/interesting stuff for the baby pool
- Bug spray
- All your bike stuff - bike, shoes, helmet, lights (if you're going to night ride), etc.
- Garbage bags - let's keep the campgrounds as clean or cleaner than when we got there
- Big smiles and good stories for friends old and new
- Good Weather Karma
- Head protection ( helmet or condoms)
- Towel to wipe your wet head
- Peace - Love
- Extra Batteries
- Underwear not required
- Bathing suits in case it rains
- Hey dogs - don't forget your poop bags
- Party favors to share
- Heavy duty garbage bags to hide the evidence
- Large Black Heavy Duty Garbage Bags
- Ear Plugs
- your childhood love for going out to play
- camp chair
- kindness to strangers
- camping gear
- drinking vessel - (let's minimize the amount of plastic cups we send to the landfill from the kegger party)
- costume
- Bike+Helmet+all the assorted gear to ride all day and all night
- All your Camping Stuff
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Fruita Groove ~ Kettle Weekend ~ WRT-Pro Sighting
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Dao of Fruita Tom
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Two dirt days in Moab
With the rain in Fruita, Boo decided we should go get us some wheels and head to Moab for a little ride action. So I scored me some hot mini-van crossover chebbrolet and drove to the gatlinburg of the high dessert.....Moab Utah. Not having planned, much, i decided to head up sand flats road and ride the now legendary Slickrock Trail. The last time I rode it was over 20 years ago and I was riding a rigid Klein. I knew the trail was demanding, but i thought what the hell. Right out of the box, I endo'd on a short step up by mistiming my manual. I landed in a hand-stand and then pushed off and back onto my feet. Swell...this should be interesting. Well after the first few climbs and associated panting it started to sprinkle rain. After the next few rest stops it started to rain pretty steady. Slickrock has awesome traction till it gets wet.....and then it lives up to its name. I stopped and put on arm warmers and a vest. The climbs were just handing me my own ass and I was riding cautiouslywhich didn't help out the the old 'mo'. A whee little racer girl passed me and danced up an impossible slab of rock.....uhhh! The photo opportunities hower were incredible.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Ride Fruita
Friday, April 22, 2011
Fruita the Journey and Getting Settled
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hump-Day ({[Date-Nite]}) Trail Opening Ride Report
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Lungday Adventure
After a week of coughing my fool head off, I tested the ole'lungs out and took the pugz out for a little lungventure ride. Trails are ready to rained last night and they're already dry enough to ride.....yesterday at the kettle trail work event, there were tons of worms in the soil.....but who knows when they'll decide to open them.....and basically, who cares, cuz I'm going to fruita.