" Its all about eating food, riding bikes, drinking beer and other things...
That's what we love about Fruita! "
With the rain in Fruita, Boo decided we should go get us some wheels and head to Moab for a little ride action. So I scored me some hot mini-van crossover chebbrolet and drove to the gatlinburg of the high dessert.....Moab Utah. Not having planned, much, i decided to head up sand flats road and ride the now legendary Slickrock Trail. The last time I rode it was over 20 years ago and I was riding a rigid Klein. I knew the trail was demanding, but i thought what the hell. Right out of the box, I endo'd on a short step up by mistiming my manual. I landed in a hand-stand and then pushed off and back onto my feet. Swell...this should be interesting. Well after the first few climbs and associated panting it started to sprinkle rain. After the next few rest stops it started to rain pretty steady. Slickrock has awesome traction till it gets wet.....and then it lives up to its name. I stopped and put on arm warmers and a vest. The climbs were just handing me my own ass and I was riding cautiouslywhich didn't help out the the old 'mo'. A whee little racer girl passed me and danced up an impossible slab of rock.....uhhh! The photo opportunities hower were incredible.
After a week of coughing my fool head off, I tested the ole'lungs out and took the pugz out for a little lungventure ride. Trails are ready to go......it rained last night and they're already dry enough to ride.....yesterday at the kettle trail work event, there were tons of worms in the soil.....but who knows when they'll decide to open them.....and basically, who cares, cuz I'm going to fruita.